Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A small update on the end of February

2/22/12 - a fun date! 

It's been a month since I wrote anything to start this blog, and it is hard to believe that so much time has elapsed! It's mostly because of all the cards I've been making and mailing which have looked lovely (if I do say so myself) but which haven't provided much in update-fashion.

The major new news at the moment is the changes made in my medication. These changes come from both a number of seizure medications plus a new way to order the medication from changes for primary neuroncology as well. All of which makes it quite difficult to ride the roller coaster! There's a lot of feeling foggy as well as other (less important but irritating) difficult measures such as forgetting words and not walking as well. 

So, it's all an uphill sort-of fights to have over the last month or so, but over the next few weeks I'll be having more tests to see how they have been operating and whether how/can anything can improve. I'll find out more and what the next steps are. 

The nice part is that both the neuro doctor and the seizure doctor are positive overall. So I will hang on to positivity as well! I will try to let you all up about what I learn quickly. I know that will be popular despite my tendency to allow long times to travel between remarks - thank you for your patience!

warmly,  Wendy  :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

An Initial Post to Start

Initial Test Post :) 

Hello to all who are inclined to give checking these posts a chance! 

Hopefully these posts will mostly be good quick bursts on how I'm doing. They are likely to be written just every now and then, as there often isn't anything new to say. No need to be surprise if you don't see any new posts for some time; I will admit I tend not to write very often at all. This is largely because when I do these days, I often end up taking forever writing ridiculous reams. And then mostly they need true cutting... *chuckle*

So keep your fingers crossed that I manage to jot down purely a few notes now and then. Feel free to jot a return comment yourself if it would appeal, but do also just enjoy a quick read for yourself. 

warmly to all,
Wendy :)